Monday, October 1, 2007

Carbohydrates news 01/10/2007 17:39

Product News Network - Phosphine and Sugars enable analysis of glycan biosynthesis
September 10, 2007 -- Allowing sensitive and selective characterization of glycan biosynthesis, Glycoprofile(TM) FLAG[R] Phosphine and azido labeled sugars utilize modified ...
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Better Nutrition - Do you have PCOS? Could your irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, acne, and excess facial hair be caused by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ? Doctors are
September 1, 2007 -- Jenny had been overweight and had suffered from irregular menstrual periods, excessive facial hair, and acne most of her life. She didn't know exactly ...
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Program gives pharmacists more clout in patient care (USA Today)
On this city's Skid Row, pharmacist Steven Chen bustles into a small examining room at a community clinic. He sits down next to Floyd McLucas, who has diabetes. What's unusual about the encounter is not only the amount of time Chen is able to spend with McLucas, but also that Chen is a pharmacist with the authority to order lab tests, add or change medications, and otherwise help oversee patient ...*http%3A//
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Dietary quality of popular diets varies: study (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
There's no shortage of weight-loss plans for Americans to choose from, but some of the most popular ones fall short in dietary quality, according to a new study.*http%3A//
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Good, bad carb definitions misleading, says review (
10/1/2007 - Dividing carbohydrates into 'good' and 'bad' carbs is misleading, and cannot be used as a measurement to prevent overweight and obesity, according to a review of scientific literature on the contentious topic.*http%3A//
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Muscle & Fitness - A very simple plan
September 1, 2007 -- Q: Can I consume simple carbs (i.e., Gatorade) before I train, or will I end up crashing during my workout? If I can, what types are best? A: Typically, ...
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Issues concerning optimal diabetes care
September 22, 2007 -- For this edition of the PCDS newsletter within Diabetes & Primary Care, I have put together a pot-pourri of matters to discuss among which I hope ...
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Effects of good and bad carbohydrates (News-Medical-Net)
The latest common wisdom on carbohydrates claims that eating so-called "bad" carbohydrates will make you fat, but University of Virginia professor Glenn Gaesser says, "that's just nonsense."*http%3A//
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Bad carbs many not be the enemy (UPI)
Food made from white flour high on the glycemic index may not be the enemy of the those trying to maintain, or lose weight, a U.S. review found.*http%3A//
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Carbohydrates May Make You Fat, Sick (ABC News)
New book says carbs cause disease; exercise doesn't lead to weight loss.*http%3A//
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