Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Carbohydrates news 25/10/2007 01:36

Philadelphia Inquirer, The - Sukkot, the celebration of the harvest cornucopia
September 27, 2007 -- Having welcomed a New Year and a fresh start at Rosh Hashanah, repented on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and been forgiven our sins, it is time to ...
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Smoking Dulls Taste for Sweets (
Copyright © 2007 ScoutNews LLC. All rights reserved. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24 (HealthDay News) -- Cigarette smoking and a family history of alcoholism can both affect how a person perceives sweet-tasting foods, U.S. researchers say.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Study Rates Heart Health of Popular Diet Plans
October 5, 2007 -- Not all diet plans are equally heart-healthy, according to a study ranking eight popular weight-loss programs. Diets that emphasize a variety of fruits ...
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Smoking Dulls Taste for Sweets (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24 (HealthDay News) -- Cigarette smoking and a family history of alcoholism can both affect how a person perceives sweet-tasting foods, U.S. researchers say.*http%3A//
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American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - Allergic Airway Responses in Obese Mice
October 1, 2007 -- Rationale: Epidemiologic data indicate an increased incidence of asthma in the obese. Objectives: To determine whether obese mice exhibit augmented pulmonary ...
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Family History Of Alcoholism Linked To Love Of Sweets Among Women (Science Daily)
Ad campaigns have capitalized on women's concerns about their waistlines and marketed cigarettes as a fat-free alternative to diminish sweet cravings and satisfy hunger. New findings show that women who smoke cigarettes are less sensitive to sweet taste than women who have never smoked, meaning they require higher concentrations of a sweet solution in order to detect sweet taste. Results also ...*http%3A//
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Carbs: True or false? (Belleville News-Democrat)
1. Carbohydrates provide the body with fuel for physical activity and organ function.*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Daily News - Plan to list food data is stalled in Council panel
October 10, 2007 -- After hearing a litany of restaurant-industry complaints, City Council's Public Health Committee yesterday took no action on a bill to require ...
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Considering Low-Carb?
September 27, 2007 -- (HealthDay News) - Low-carbohydrate diets are rich in proteins (such as meats) and low in carbohydrates (such as breads and pastas). Because of the limited ...
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HealthDay - More Fiber, Less Fat Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer
October 9, 2007 -- Older women who stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet could cut their odds for deadly ovarian cancer, new research shows. In fact, postmenopausal women who stayed on the regimen for more than eight yea
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