Monday, October 22, 2007

Carbohydrates news 22/10/2007 20:05

Philadelphia Inquirer, The - Sukkot, the celebration of the harvest cornucopia
September 27, 2007 -- Having welcomed a New Year and a fresh start at Rosh Hashanah, repented on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and been forgiven our sins, it is time to ...
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The instinct to become overweight (Boston Globe)
Deirdre Leigh Barrett has one piece of advice for people struggling with their weight: Don't listen to your instincts.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Study Rates Heart Health of Popular Diet Plans
October 5, 2007 -- Not all diet plans are equally heart-healthy, according to a study ranking eight popular weight-loss programs. Diets that emphasize a variety of fruits ...
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Cool body-chilling devices help brain, spinal and cardiac injuries (Inside Bay Area)
WHO SAYS hospital garb can't be cool? Not Manuel Gonzalez-Brito and John Kuluz, professors of pediatric critical care medicine at the University of Miami.*http%3A//
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Author says cutting out carbs is all one need do to lose weight (Inside Bay Area)
IMAGINE a world in which weight loss is as simple as dropping carbohydrates from your diet.*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Daily News - Plan to list food data is stalled in Council panel
October 10, 2007 -- After hearing a litany of restaurant-industry complaints, City Council's Public Health Committee yesterday took no action on a bill to require ...
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Independent, The (London) - Liver disease link to carbohydrates
September 21, 2007 -- Home News IN BRIEF Eating some carbohydrates may increase the risk of liver disease, nutritionists have found. Dr David Ludwig, of Boston's Children's ...
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Olives, nuts give stew rich flavor (The Record)
Olives and pine nuts give this 20-minute veal stew a rich, Mediterranean flavor. It's based on delicious meals I enjoyed on trips to Italy. Pine nuts are also called pignoli. They may be stocked with the spices, the other nuts or in the gourmet section of your market.*http%3A//
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American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - Allergic Airway Responses in Obese Mice
October 1, 2007 -- Rationale: Epidemiologic data indicate an increased incidence of asthma in the obese. Objectives: To determine whether obese mice exhibit augmented pulmonary ...
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Diabetes 101: Understanding the disease (
Diabetes is a disease in which the body either doesn't produce insulin, or it doesn't properly use insulin, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that metabolizes glucose, which is the source of energy for cells in the body.*http%3A//
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