Saturday, October 13, 2007

Carbohydrates news 13/10/2007 10:35

Kenya's 'silent killer' disease (BBC News)
BBC's Adam Mynott reports on the difficulties of diagnosing diabetes in the developing world and why it is on the rise in Naivasha.*http%3A//
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American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - Allergic Airway Responses in Obese Mice
October 1, 2007 -- Rationale: Epidemiologic data indicate an increased incidence of asthma in the obese. Objectives: To determine whether obese mice exhibit augmented pulmonary ...
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Independent, The (London) - Liver disease link to carbohydrates
September 21, 2007 -- Home News IN BRIEF Eating some carbohydrates may increase the risk of liver disease, nutritionists have found. Dr David Ludwig, of Boston's Children's ...
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Extra! Articles (Arizona Daily Wildcat)
Nutrition Facts- Serving size: 19 Facts. Servings per container: 1. Calories: 0. Total fat: 0g. Sodium: 0mg. Total Carbohydrates: 8g. We bid farewell to Giggleville, USA in today's comics. Godspeed, Giggleville. Godspeed.*http%3A//
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Product News Network - Phosphine and Sugars enable analysis of glycan biosynthesis
September 10, 2007 -- Allowing sensitive and selective characterization of glycan biosynthesis, Glycoprofile(TM) FLAG[R] Phosphine and azido labeled sugars utilize modified ...
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Philadelphia Inquirer, The - Sukkot, the celebration of the harvest cornucopia
September 27, 2007 -- Having welcomed a New Year and a fresh start at Rosh Hashanah, repented on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and been forgiven our sins, it is time to ...
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Family takes diabetes walk to heart (Daily Herald)
Wil Hansen must poke himself with a needle six times each day. He checks his blood sugar four times a day. And, carbohydrates must be counted to calculate how much insulin he must take.*http%3A//
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Notes (USA Today)
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Issues concerning optimal diabetes care
September 22, 2007 -- For this edition of the PCDS newsletter within Diabetes & Primary Care, I have put together a pot-pourri of matters to discuss among which I hope ...
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New Rules Considered for Alcohol Labeling (Beverage World)
Labels on wine, distilled spirits and malt beverages would carry information on calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein and fluid ounces of ediyl alcohol under a proposal from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.*http%3A//
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