Sunday, October 21, 2007

Carbohydrates news 21/10/2007 16:31

HealthDay - Study Rates Heart Health of Popular Diet Plans
October 5, 2007 -- Not all diet plans are equally heart-healthy, according to a study ranking eight popular weight-loss programs. Diets that emphasize a variety of fruits ...
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Test your nutrition IQ (The Olympian)
Carbs tend to go in and out of favor from a nutrition standpoint. What's the latest? Here's a true-or-false quiz based on information from the Harvard School of Public Health to find out how savvy you are about carbohydrates in your diet:*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Inquirer, The - Sukkot, the celebration of the harvest cornucopia
September 27, 2007 -- Having welcomed a New Year and a fresh start at Rosh Hashanah, repented on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and been forgiven our sins, it is time to ...
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Independent, The (London) - Liver disease link to carbohydrates
September 21, 2007 -- Home News IN BRIEF Eating some carbohydrates may increase the risk of liver disease, nutritionists have found. Dr David Ludwig, of Boston's Children's ...
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HealthDay - Diet Change Can Curb Fatty Liver Disease
September 21, 2007 -- Diets high in quick-burning carbohydrates may cause fatty liver disease, which can lead to liver failure and death, according to a study in mice by researchers ...
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Not all fats are bad for you (The Journal)
LAST time I discussed the different types of carbohydrates and the importance of them in a balanced diet. This time I will talk about fats and the different variations of them.*http%3A//
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Face facts: Too much sugar causes wrinkles (MSNBC)
If the promise of a slimmer waistline hasn't curbed your sweet tooth, maybe the desire for smooth skin will. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but experts now believe that a lifetime of overeating sugar can make skin dull and wrinkled.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - More Fiber, Less Fat Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer
October 9, 2007 -- Older women who stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet could cut their odds for deadly ovarian cancer, new research shows. In fact, postmenopausal women who stayed on the regimen for more than eight yea
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Pumpkins deserve a spot in the pantry (The Record)
Pumpkins are native to North America, so it is appropriate that they are the official mascot of the fall season. Roadside stands, grocery stores, even backyard gardens are filled with the big orange gourds this time of year.*http%3A//
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Dynamic Chiropractic - Colostrum's Proteins and Peptides: A Brief Overview
September 10, 2007 -- Colostrum is Mother Nature's very first food for all mammals. Colostrum is, gram for gram, the most zoonutrient dense of all foods. Zoonutrients in animals, ...
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