Sunday, October 14, 2007

Carbohydrates news 14/10/2007 15:52

Will calories go on menus? Governor urged to sign bill to help consumers make healthier choices (The Davis Enterprise)
Published Oct 04, 2007 - 14:52:41 CDT. SACRAMENTO - Which McDonald's menu item has the most calories: four regular hamburgers, two Big Macs or a large chocolate milkshake? The answer may surprise you.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Diet Change Can Curb Fatty Liver Disease
September 21, 2007 -- Diets high in quick-burning carbohydrates may cause fatty liver disease, which can lead to liver failure and death, according to a study in mice by researchers ...
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Issues concerning optimal diabetes care
September 22, 2007 -- For this edition of the PCDS newsletter within Diabetes & Primary Care, I have put together a pot-pourri of matters to discuss among which I hope ...
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American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - Allergic Airway Responses in Obese Mice
October 1, 2007 -- Rationale: Epidemiologic data indicate an increased incidence of asthma in the obese. Objectives: To determine whether obese mice exhibit augmented pulmonary ...
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Family takes diabetes walk to heart (Daily Herald)
Wil Hansen must poke himself with a needle six times each day. He checks his blood sugar four times a day. And, carbohydrates must be counted to calculate how much insulin he must take.*http%3A//
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Urbandale runners enjoy pasta feast (The Des Moines Register)
Members of the Urbandale High School boys’ and girls’ cross country teams had a chance to bond and load up on carbohydrates Monday night before their...*http%3A//
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Product News Network - Phosphine and Sugars enable analysis of glycan biosynthesis
September 10, 2007 -- Allowing sensitive and selective characterization of glycan biosynthesis, Glycoprofile(TM) FLAG[R] Phosphine and azido labeled sugars utilize modified ...
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Nutrition Q&A (The Record)
Carbs tend to go in and out of favor from a nutrition standpoint. What's the latest? Here's a quiz based on information from the Harvard School of Public Health to find out how savvy you are about carbohydrates in your diet.*http%3A//
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Eating fewer refined carbohydrates may slow the progression AMD (News-Medical-Net)
Eating fewer refined carbohydrates may slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to a new study from researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University.*http%3A//
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Independent, The (London) - Liver disease link to carbohydrates
September 21, 2007 -- Home News IN BRIEF Eating some carbohydrates may increase the risk of liver disease, nutritionists have found. Dr David Ludwig, of Boston's Children's ...
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