Sunday, September 30, 2007

Carbohydrates news 30/09/2007 19:50

Muscle & Fitness - The 25% stronger meal plan; Support your heavy lifting in the gym with this complete eight-week meal plan, designed specifically for maximizing your strength
September 1, 2007 -- That's why we designed the "Eat for Strength" meal plan to be used in conjunction with the "Get 25% Stronger" training program beginning ...
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Men's Fitness - What sup? Whether you're trying to out on muscle, run faster, or just last longer, supplements can help. The key is picking the one for your exact goal
September 1, 2007 -- WHAT SUP? Whether you're trying to out on muscle, run faster, or just last longer, supplements can help. The key is picking the one for your exact goal....
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Dynamic Chiropractic - Colostrum's Proteins and Peptides: A Brief Overview
September 10, 2007 -- Colostrum is Mother Nature's very first food for all mammals. Colostrum is, gram for gram, the most zoonutrient dense of all foods. Zoonutrients in animals, ...
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Product News Network - Phosphine and Sugars enable analysis of glycan biosynthesis
September 10, 2007 -- Allowing sensitive and selective characterization of glycan biosynthesis, Glycoprofile(TM) FLAG[R] Phosphine and azido labeled sugars utilize modified ...
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Eating white bread won't make you fat (ANI via Yahoo! India News)
Washington, Sept 29 (ANI): Go right ahead and reach for that slice of white bread, for a researcher from the University of Virginia insists that the theory that eating so-called "bad" carbohydrates will make you fat is all hogwash. Professor Glenn Gaesser insists that the latest common wisdom on carbohydrates is "just nonsense". Gaesser came to his conclusion after analysing ...*http%3A//
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Agricultural Research - Phytochemical profilers: investigate potato benefits
September 1, 2007 -- It's no secret that the potato is America's favorite vegetable. Indeed, U.S. consumers eat about 130 pounds of potatoes per person each year. Fried, ...
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Is stick-thin Angelina Jolie losing her curves? (Daily Mail)
She claims to love tucking into a fry-up every morning. But judging by these pictures, Angelina Jolie could do with a hearty lunch and supper as well. The 32-year-old shocked onlookers with her startlingly thin appearance on a day out in New York*http%3A//
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Better Nutrition - Do you have PCOS? Could your irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, acne, and excess facial hair be caused by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ? Doctors are
September 1, 2007 -- Jenny had been overweight and had suffered from irregular menstrual periods, excessive facial hair, and acne most of her life. She didn't know exactly ...
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Vibrant Life - Eat less, live longer: can eating less food really help us live longer? Is increased strength and vitality determined—to a large degree—by what
September 1, 2007 -- Scientists are proving almost daily that the dietary choices we make not only extend our lives, but also help us avoid the many health problems previously ...
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M2 Presswire - FORD, IDIX, MNTA, NTRI, PGIC, PINN Have Also Been Added To Naked Short List Today.
August 22, 2007 -- M2 PRESSWIRE-22 August 2007-BUYINS.NET: FORD, IDIX, MNTA, NTRI, PGIC, PINN Have Also Been Added To Naked Short List Today(C)1994-2007 M2 COMMUNICATIONS ...
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